Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP)

John Paul II Council 13935’s Supports Local PRC and Regional Maternity Home

In June of 2022 the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, under the direction of Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, initiated a program that assists local councils and assemblies in promoting life. Our council has been supporting pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) and maternity homes since it’s charter in 2005 . This program is called the Aid and Support After Pregnancy Program (or ASAP). The program recognizes councils on-going support of PRCs and maternity homes. They do this by giving an additional $100 for every $500 provided by the council, up to $400 from Supreme. So a council that gives $2000 to a maternity home or PRC will be effectively giving $2400 to that organization. Additionally ASAP has become one of the programs available to attain the Star Council award.

John Paul II Council 13935 have taken advantage of this program since it’s formation. Last year we hit the cap of $400 by donating to both Tri-State Pregnancy Center and Good Counsel Homes. Both worthy causes for our council to support.

Tri-State Family & Pregnancy Center

TriState Pregnancy Center, PRC , TSPC, TSFPC, Life, ASAP
Inside Tri-State Family & Pregnancy Center’s Free Clothing Store

Tri-State Pregnancy Center, now called Tri-State Family & Pregnancy Center, is the our areas local Pregnancy Resource Center. They are an ecumenical Christian ministry that offers material needs like clothes, diapers, formula, toys, books, and furniture to families in need, especially pregnant and new mothers. They also offer referral services for adoption, other ministries, and government programs. Recently TSFPC has been named a distribution site for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation car seat program. This program is just one of many ways that TSFPC helps mothers and families after pregnancy. Two of our brother Knights serve on the board of TSFPC: the District Deputy, Ray Ardanouy; and our council’s very own Life Director, Tony Perito.

Good Counsel Homes

Good Counsel Homes is a Catholic apostolate that operates four maternity homes in New York City and New Jersey. They have been in operation since 1985 and have received multiple recognitions and awards for their work. In addition to the maternity homes, which costs the mothers absolutely nothing; they also have a 24-7 pregnancy hotline and a post-abortion counseling service. GCH was founded by Fr. Benedict Groeschel CFR, and Brother Knight Christopher Bell, who is a member of our neighbor, St Joseph the Worker Council.

Our Council’s support of the ASAP program comes from multiple sources: Our calendar raffles, the 5K Kris Kringle Run, and the Annual Gold Outing. If helping babies, mothers and families in need is a calling of yours please consider serving on one of these committees, volunteering at the event, and/or participate in the event. ASAP is just one of the Life Programs that Supreme has designated to attain the Star Council Award. Other programs that our council takes part in is Special Olympics and March for Life.