April Cor Christi Prayer Meeting

Join other men in a meeting to unify us in our faith through formation and fraternity. This men’s Bible study focuses on the next Sunday’s readings in a way that we can share and learn from one another. The Cor Christi meeting is open to all men and not just Knights of Columbus members.

You are cordially invited to our COR meeting this Saturday morning April 6, 2024 at St. Patrick’s Activity Room, from 9:00 to 10:30 am.  It is an occasion to meet with other Catholic men and grow in our faith and fraternity.  We will be having coffee and bagels.  Please feel free to invite any other Catholic men to come with you.

If you have questions, please ask a Knight at mass or contact us through the site or email kc13935@gmail.com. Again, I invite all the men here to join us as we grow as brothers in Christ. Thank you, for allowing us to share this exciting opportunity for the men of the parish.
God bless you all.